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Drawn at 11th Feb meeting.
Total prize pool $2,963

Monthly Meetings

The club's monthly meeting are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Deakin Football Club. The club's AGM is held during the October meeting.

Guest Speakers

Feb - TBA
March - Battery World
April - American Builds

Training for Driver Training Instructors

Training for Driver Training Instructors

To sustain the Club’s Driver Training Program, there is a need to maintain a flow of members who are qualified to the Club’s Standards to instruct other members in the practices and techniques of four wheel driving.  Members who have been approved as Driver Trainers will be part of the Driver Training Unit which has principal responsibility for provision of vehicle related courses.

The Driver Training Unit will be coordinated by the Chief Instructor in consultation with the Education Coordinator and comprise:

  • Driving Instructors, and
  • Trainee Instructors

The attributes of each of these levels is set out below.

Trainee Instructor

A club member may apply in writing to the Chief Instructor and Education Coordinator to join the Driver Training Unit as a Trainee Instructor as part of a Trainee Instructor Cohort and will be accepted at the discretion of the Chief Instructor in consultation with the Education Coordinator.  Recommendations are forwarded to the Club Committee for approval.

Cohorts will be trained through a minimum two year program which will be advertised to members through the Club Newsletter and Club Meetings.  ST4WDC aspires to achieve a gender balance in the Driver Training Unit.  Cohorts will be scheduled to coincide with the Club’s financial year, but may commence at other times based on interest from the membership and scheduling of Driver Training Courses.

To meet the minimum standards required by the club to be approved as a Trainee Instructor, individuals must;

  • be a current financial member of the club as determined by the Club’s By-Laws,
  • have been a financial member of the club as determined by the Club’s By-Laws for a minimum of two (2) years,
  • have participated in a minimum of four club trips to Grade 3 standard or higher within the last two years,
  • must have been approved by the Chief Driving Instructor, or their delegated Instructor, and by a majority of the Committee in accordance with the minimum standards as described in the Education Policy.


Under the coordination of the Chief Instructor, or their delegated Instructor, Driving Instructors will present the relevant Driver Training Course content to club members as part of a formal Driver Training Course. Depending on the training course, instruction may be provided on a one-on-one basis or as instructor led group exercises.

Pre requisites are:

  • be a current financial member of the club as determined by the Club’s By-Laws,
  • have been a financial member of the club as determined by the Club’s By-Laws for a minimum of four (4) years,
  • must have completed the Club’s Trainee Driver Instructor Program as detailed in the Education Policy,
  • have demonstrated competency against the relevant aspects of Driver Training as detailed in the Trainee Instructor’s Program content,
  • must have been approved by the Chief Driving Instructor, or their delegated Instructor, or by a majority of the Committee in accordance with the minimum standards as described in the Education Policy.

Chief Instructor

Must have been an Instructor for at least five years and have attended at least ten complete training courses,
Must have extensive experience in the practical application of four wheel driving practices and techniques,
Must have extensive experience in four wheel drive training,
Must have completed all other mandatory and supplementary driver training courses covered by this Education Policy (excluding ancillary courses),
When the position of the Chief Instructor is likely to become vacant, nominations are made by members of the Driver Training Unit in consultation with the Education Coordinator.  Nominations will be submitted to the Committee by the Education Coordinator for consideration, and a new Chief Instructor will be appointed on a majority vote of the Committee.
Formal qualifications are highly desirable, such as Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.


The club provides two levels of membership

full member           family member

To be a Full Member you must own a suitable four wheel drive vehicle and hold a driver's licence. Basic Driver Training is provided only to the Full Members. Partners and family members of the Full Member are categorised as Family Members and may undertake Basic Driver training by becoming full members but pay only the annual membership fee component (not the joining fee) and may revert to family membership after 12 months. Details of all membership entitlements are provided at Section 3 (1) of the club by-laws.

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