Our Supporters & Trade Services Directory
Our Supporters & Trade Services Directory
The Southern Tablelands 4WD Club offers a number of sponsorship packages. If you are interested in sponsoring the club, you can view the available packages here. For further information, please email public@st4wdc.com.au
ARB Fyshwick
Website: www.arb.com.au
Address: 150 Gladstone St, Fyshwick ACT 2609
Phone: (02) 6280 7475
Battery World Phillip
Website: www.batteryworld.com.au
Address: 95 Grenville Court, Phillip, ACT, 2606
Phone: 02 62829884
Monaro Off Road Centre
Website: www.monarooffroad.com.au
Address: 25 Stephens Road, Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620
Phone: 02 6297 6006
Pride Auto Fyshwick
Website: www.prideautogroup.com.au
Address: 11 Kembla St, Fyshwick, ACT 2609
Phone: 02 6280 6222
Tracks Adventure Gear
Website: www.tracksadventuregear.com.au
Address: 72 Dundas Court, Phillip, ACT 2606
Phone: 02 6162 1929
ACTion 4×4
Website: action4x4.net.au
Address: 64 Kembla St, Fyshwick, ACT 2609
Phone: (02) 6103 0500
Watts Communication
Website: https://www.wattscom.com.au/
Address: 1 / 68-70 Kembla Street, Fyshwick ACT
Phone: 02 6280 6416
Website: https://camperact.com.au/
Address: Unit 1/9 Maxwell Place Narellan, New South Wales 2567
Phone: 02 4624 9911
Email: sales@camperact.com.au
Around Town Plumbing
Website: https://aroundtownplumbing.com.au
Email: atps1996@bigpond.com
Phone: 0418 631 669
American Builds
Website: https://americanbuilds.com.au/
Email: sales@americanbuilds.com.au
Phone: 0430 612 966