Monthly Meetings
The monthly general meetings attract around 100 members and guests, and usually feature a guest speaker. Trip Leaders are asked to describe forthcoming trips, and after a refreshment break we have verbal reports on past trips.
Social Events
Social events have varied from major celebrations of club milestones like the 25th and 30th anniversaries, to dinner gatherings at restaurants, bush dances and theatre nights.
Training is a pre-requisite for trips above Grade 2. Training courses are published in the Training Calendar.
Trips are a major club activity, and range from day trips to long expeditions into the real outback.
Trip Bookings
Members can log in to the members section of the website and check the Upcoming Trips and Events, and nominate for a place by using the links. Members can also apply for a place by contacting the trip leader.
Trip Proposals
Contact the Events and Trips Coordinator ( or use the on-line trip proposal form in the members’ section.