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Drawn at 11th Feb meeting.
Total prize pool $2,963

Monthly Meetings

The club's monthly meeting are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Deakin Football Club. The club's AGM is held during the October meeting.

Guest Speakers

Feb - TBA
March - Battery World
April - American Builds

Supplementary Driver Skill Training

Supplementary Driver Skill Training

Sand Driving and River Crossing Course

This training course is one evening of theoretical instruction and one day of practical instruction and is designed to equip members with the knowledge and skills to confidently undertake sand driving and water crossings.

River Crossing

The course includes:


  • Vehicle preparation including the use of radiator blinds,
  • Assessment of river bed, water depth and stream flow,
  • Methods of entering, crossing and exiting the river,
  • Dangers to vehicles and members inherent in water crossings


  • Vehicle preparation Instructor assessment
    • Blinds,
    • Waterproofing,
    • Installation of a snorkel
  • Students making individual assessments under guidance,
  • Practical crossings at a depth to at least hub height

Prerequisites:  Basic Driver Training Course.

The curriculum and course content will be made available to members attending this training.

Sand Driving

Designed to equip members with the knowledge and skills to confidently undertake sand driving.  Run in conjunction with the Water Crossing Course (above).

This course will include the theoretical aspects of sand driving followed by a practical application of the theory.

Theoretical aspects:

  • Vehicle preparation including the importance of tyre pressures,
  • Driving on soft sand and hard sand,
  • Dangers to vehicles and members inherent in sand driving,
  • Sand Recovery techniques.

Practical Aspects:

  • Vehicle preparation,
    • Tyre Pressure,
    • Recovery techniques
  • Supervised practical driving.

Prerequisites:  Basic Driver Training Course.

The curriculum and course content will be made available to members attending this training.

Basic Winching and Recovery Course

This course is designed to assist in understanding your winch and recovery gear, and how to use it safely. You will get the opportunity to use your winch taking in recovery techniques at the same time in a secure environment.

Joining Straps

NEVER use a towball for recovery

This course has proven to be very popular giving our members the important background knowledge to use their winches and recovery gear in a safe and efficient way.

This practical hands-on course is designed for club members to set up and use their electronic winch and all their recovery gear in a real but safe and supervised environment. Many club members have winches but how many have used them for real?

Requirements Basic driver training, vehicle with electric winch, full recovery kit and any other equipment you would like to have inspected or trial.

  • Inspect and trialing electric winch and full recovery kit
  • Marking of winch cable
  • Set up and use of a single line pull and a double line pull
  • Correct use of hand signals
  • Re-stowing the cable onto the drum
  • Safety considerations while winching
  • Securing the vehicle using a strap

The course content includes a short theory session, followed by students recovering their vehicles working in pairs using their own gear and a variety of techniques. Driver trainers oversee and advise club members on set up. Safety is strictly maintained.

The curriculum and course content will be made available to members attending this training.

Intermediate Winching and Recovery Course

This course will take your recovery skills to the next level. The course is designed for those who have completed the Basic Winching and Recovery Course and who are likely to find themselves in more difficult terrain or more complex recovery situations.

The course will cover

  • Use of winch and recovery equipment in technical situations and on steep terrain
  • Set up and use of single and double line pulls,
  • Vehicle lowering, redirections,
  • How to secure a vehicle,
  • Safety considerations when winching in complex environments.

You will then have the opportunity to practice recoveries in a variety of situations including very steep inclines and vehicle roll over situations. You will also practice a range of different techniques.

Prerequisites:  Basic Driver Training Course, Basic Winching Course

The curriculum course content will be made available to members attending this training.

Intermediate Driver Training

This course is designed to equip members with the knowledge and skills to undertake Club Trips at Grade 4 and above as described on the Club Website.  The course will involve one day of practical exercises.  The course will involve:

  • Refresher of basic driver skills
  • Introduction of more advanced driver skills
  • Track building techniques
  • Practical, hands on driving in more difficult terrain


  • Courses: Basic Driver Training Course.
  • Membership: Minimum of 12 month’s club membership.
  • Trips: A minimum of three Grade 3 trips or above.
  • Mandatory vehicle modifications: Aggressive tyres.
  • Highly recommended modifications: Lifted vehicle/suspension upgrade, electric or manual winch, sill protection, under-body protection.

Advanced Driver Training (Very Difficult Terrain and Advanced Recovery)

This course is designed to equip members with the knowledge and skills to undertake Club Trips at Grade 5 and above as described on the Club Website.  The course will involve a combination of class room training and practical exercises, and a pre-day vehicle inspection/trip.  Class room training will be provided as an evening or day class with the follow up practical exercises held over one day. The course will involve:


  • Advanced terrain appraisal;
  • Track building techniques;
  • Advanced recovery methods and techniques;
  • Vehicle preparation for difficult terrain.


  • Self led recovery exercise;
  • A day of practical, hands on driving in difficult terrain.

Participants must be aware of possible vehicle damage.


  • Courses: Basic Driver Training, Sand Driving and River Crossing, Basic and Intermediate Winching.
  • Trips: A minimum of six trips of Grade 3 or higher, with at least three of those trips to the equivalent of Grade 4 or above.
  • Mandatory vehicle modifications: Lifted vehicle, sill protection, under-body protection, specialist recovery equipment, and a working winch.



The club provides two levels of membership

full member           family member

To be a Full Member you must own a suitable four wheel drive vehicle and hold a driver's licence. Basic Driver Training is provided only to the Full Members. Partners and family members of the Full Member are categorised as Family Members and may undertake Basic Driver training by becoming full members but pay only the annual membership fee component (not the joining fee) and may revert to family membership after 12 months. Details of all membership entitlements are provided at Section 3 (1) of the club by-laws.

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