Virtual Campout
With lockdown I’m sure all are itching to get out and about, just because we can’t it doesn’t mean we can’t connect and have some fun.
So who is in for a virtual campout?
Via zoom, details to be sent out.
I’m proposing we have a virtual campout in our back or front yards, inside our houses, garages etc. let your imagination run wild. A TIPI tent set up in the loungeroom, your swag in the garden, trailer caravan in the drive way or something different?
Planning of kicking off at 4.00pm with a run through of our camps and happy hour at 5.00pm BYO.
Empty tank of fuel, imagination over adventure , recovery gear for any hangovers, happy hour supplies, guaranteed no turn arounds, winching or having to clean the trucks after the event. Tail end Charlie not required, though you will need a laptop or mobile device. Unfortunately IT advice not supplied.
Please nominate on the club website. This event maybe cancelled if lockdown ends and we are all out enjoying the real thing.
Activity Status : Approved
Activity Type : Trip
Activity Grade : Not Required
Date From : 25/09/2021
Date to : 25/09/2021
Max Vehicles : -1
Start Time : 4:00 pm
Assembly Location : your address