Tickets on sale for our annual raffle
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Drawn at 11th Feb meeting.
Total prize pool $2,963

Monthly Meetings

The club's monthly meeting are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Deakin Football Club. The club's AGM is held during the October meeting.

Guest Speakers

Feb - TBA
March - Battery World
April - American Builds

Social Group Meeting

Social Group Meeting

Welcome to the new year everyone,
I am organising the first get together for the year to sort out the social events for the ST4WDC Social Group
A bit of background, the social group was set up as an informal group that is open to all members to arrange social outings and bring club members together, other than on trips. Please note the social group is not part of the committee.
Some of the past events have included,
• Thank God, it’s Friday
• The Christmas barn/pub lunch at Bredbo
• Araluan trip
• Weekends of golf
• Axe throwing competitions
• Paint and sip
• Camp oven cook offs
• Trivia
With the main event being the end of year party, which is always a fun weekend.
To help lighten the load and gain a diverse range of events, I am looking for people to help with event ideas and a bit of organisation. Meetings of the social group will be held every second month and alternate between North and South side venues so as to accommodate all members.
Dinner is from 6 pm and the meeting will commence at 7 pm.


Activity Status : Approved

Activity Type : Trip

Activity Grade : Not Required

Date From : 27/02/2024

Date to : 27/02/2024

Max Vehicles : -1

Start Time : 6:00 pm

Assembly Location : Weston Raiders Club

Become a member to attend Trips



The club provides two levels of membership

full member           family member

To be a Full Member you must own a suitable four wheel drive vehicle and hold a driver's licence. Basic Driver Training is provided only to the Full Members. Partners and family members of the Full Member are categorised as Family Members and may undertake Basic Driver training by becoming full members but pay only the annual membership fee component (not the joining fee) and may revert to family membership after 12 months. Details of all membership entitlements are provided at Section 3 (1) of the club by-laws.

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