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Drawn at 11th Feb meeting.
Total prize pool $2,963

Monthly Meetings

The club's monthly meeting are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Deakin Football Club. The club's AGM is held during the October meeting.

Guest Speakers

Feb - TBA
March - Battery World
April - American Builds

Old Andado Station Binns Track NT

Old Andado Station Binns Track NT

Activity Description:

Old Andado Station is a remote tourist and historical homestead and out buildings inside the fringe of the Simpson Desert. We are booked to be caretakers of the homestead and local environs for July.2017 During July we are establishing a Working Group of ST4WDC members to help maintain this piece of outback Australian history. There will be a number of small projects and day to day general maintenance that can be done by member’s whist there as part of the working group. A crucial part of the survival of the Old Andado homestead is the role volunteer caretakers and volunteers play in maintaining the homestead and it surroundings and providing a friendly face for the over 700 people who pass through and stop at Old Andado each year. Also keeping Molly Clarke’s hospitality continuing with giving travelers a cup of tea and a biscuit or scone prior to traveling into the desert. There are now large numbers of travelers heading toward the Madigan’s Line. The projects are yet to be advised by Meegan, Molly’s granddaughter – we request those booking in on the trip give some indication of their skill sets to establish specific tasks to the correct groups of participants Also general tasks will include (as per brief) • Clean toilets and showers • Pump water every second day • Garden maintenance & watering • Rake/sweep the homestead yard by kitchen • Sweep outside and inside the homestead • Collect firewood for kitchen and donkey water heater • wipe out the kitchen cupboards • polish furniture using O’Cedar polish • black the kitchen oven • clean out the guttering • wash the covers on kitchen veranda lounges • clean the demountables (Atco’s) & sweep veranda • drag the campground and airport • upkeep of vege garden Participants will need to be 100% self-sufficient while you are there working. The generator runs for 3 hours a day to pump water and provide lighting for tourists when they are staying, therefore personal fridges running on battery and/or solar will be required. The closest supplies are at Mt Dare 100kms/2.5hrs travel one way. There is a landline telephone onsite available for emergencies. As care takers we are looking for members that are able to transport extra supplies, for the periods of time of our stay. Traveling members are encouraged to call in as part of their plans and to linger a little longer to help out. Please let us know the dates of stay so that we can allocate tasks. A telephone call before arrival will be appreciated if any supplies need to be sourced

AT id:


Washup Report:

Created by:

David Sutton


Activity Status : Approved

Activity Type : Trip

Activity Grade : Grade 2

Date From : 03/07/2017

Date to : 28/07/2017

Max Vehicles : -1

Start Time : 12:00 am

Become a member to attend Trips



The club provides two levels of membership

full member           family member

To be a Full Member you must own a suitable four wheel drive vehicle and hold a driver's licence. Basic Driver Training is provided only to the Full Members. Partners and family members of the Full Member are categorised as Family Members and may undertake Basic Driver training by becoming full members but pay only the annual membership fee component (not the joining fee) and may revert to family membership after 12 months. Details of all membership entitlements are provided at Section 3 (1) of the club by-laws.

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