Lightning ridge and Fraser island
Please note this trip is full
Leaving Dubbo Friday the 2nd April at 10.00am and heading to the Sheep yards opal fields to camp on site , Saturday and Sunday will be spent travelling the area and visiting to Easter festival held at lightning ridge and walk in opal mine and other attractions. Camper trailers can be used for this part of the trip. We will be leaving the Sheep yards opal fields on Monday the 5th and heading across to stay at Dalby. Tuesday will be travelling across to Gympie to restock supplies and staying at rainbow beach for the night. Wednesday will we be going by barge across to Fraser island where we will travel to Waddy point camp ground for 2 nights Wednesday and Thursday nights and then Friday travel to Dunburra and sat night to camp near Eurong village leaving the island on Sunday afternoon to stay at rainbow beach for a group dinner .The days will be spent visiting most parts of the island attractions . Camper trailers will NOT be taken onto the island and can be stored at the rainbow beach holiday park for $25.00 . Barge cost is $130.00 vehicle permit is $45.00 Camping at the holiday park is $58.00 for 2 people each night and camping on the Island is approx $7.00 per person per night .Due to the Covid restrictions that have been placed by the Queensland health department tent only camping due to the reduced campsites and no group sites currently being available
Activity Status : Approved
Activity Type : Trip
Activity Grade : Grade 4
Date From : 02/04/2021
Date to : 12/04/2021
Max Vehicles : 6
Start Time : 10:00 am