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Drawn at 11th Feb meeting.
Total prize pool $2,963

Monthly Meetings

The club's monthly meeting are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Deakin Football Club. The club's AGM is held during the October meeting.

Guest Speakers

Feb - TBA
March - Battery World
April - American Builds

Friday Night Dash to Victoria High Country to visit some of the highlights of the VHC close to home.

Friday Night Dash to Victoria High Country to visit some of the highlights of the VHC close to home.

Activity Description:

/*TRIP IS NOW FULL*/ Dates evening Friday 27 April to Sunday 29 April Meeting place will be Calwell Caltex Service Station at 1730h for 1800h departure (please consider having dinner before we leave as I plan on driving directly to Tom Groggin Campground, unless people need to fill up at Cooma. Arriving at Tom Groggin Campground at approx 2100h, where we will setup our basecamp in the large open grassed area. I intend to setup away from any other campers as we’ll be arriving after dark and I don’t want to disturb other visitors. The access to Tom Groggin Campground is a well-maintained gravel road, so no issues for Camper Trailers and Caravans, which are most welcome. Saturday: The plan will be to leave Tom Groggin Campground around 0900 and cross the Murray River into the Alpine National Park, where we will turn right and make our way towards the start of the Mount Pinnibar Track. On arriving at the top of Mount Pinnibar we will stop for morning tea and photos etc, then continue on down Shady Upper Creek Track where we’ll arrive at Wheelers Hut, for lunch. After lunch we will head along Wheelers Creek road, continue on towards Buenba Road till we meet the junction of Tom Groggin Track where we’ll turn left and make our way back to camp. Arriving back at camp for happy hour and dinner around the camp fire. Sunday: We’ll warm the trucks up and cross the Murray once again to visit Mount Anderson, via Tom Groggin Track then to Mount Gibbo via Mount Gibbo Track, where we’ll be stopping for morning tea. Then heading back down the Tom Groggin for lunch and pack up. Expected return to Canberra 1700h. Facilities: There are drop toilet facilities at Tom Groggin Campground but that’s it. Please be prepared to carry all rubbish out with you. Precautions: This trip will be graded as a grade 3. Tyres must be All Terrain Tyres or Mud Terrain Tyres and in good condition Fuel: Please know you Trucks fuel range. I expect we’ll be traveling 650 Km round trip including day and a half mainly in low range. There is fuel available at Cooma on our way though if needed. I generally fill both tanks (140 litres) from Canberra and have no troubles. As always please ensure all recovery gear is in good working order. I don’t expect to any issues but you can never be to sure in the High Country, the weather can turn at a moment’s notice. Clothing: Please pack for all weather conditions, it does get quite cold at night. There are some fees and permits you will need to gain before the trip date; being access to Kosciuszko National Park and overnight camp fees for Tom Groggin Campground please see link below: Please be aware that I may need to cancel this trip at the last minute If weather turns particularly nasty in the days leading up to our departure for safety reasons. Some of the tracks do have steep sections which are fine dry but when water logged are risky. We will be crossing the Snowy river to enter and exit the Alpine National Park generally quite low this time of year.

AT id:


Washup Report:

Really enjoyable weekend Great mix of young and young at heart Extra People along as Follows: Taria- Patrick Daniel- Taylah and Cooper Mitch- Taylor Stuart- Frank

Created by:

Stuart Watts


Activity Status : Approved

Activity Type : Trip

Activity Grade : Grade 3

Date From : 27/04/2018

Date to : 29/04/2018

Max Vehicles : 14

Start Time : 9:00 am

Become a member to attend Trips



The club provides two levels of membership

full member           family member

To be a Full Member you must own a suitable four wheel drive vehicle and hold a driver's licence. Basic Driver Training is provided only to the Full Members. Partners and family members of the Full Member are categorised as Family Members and may undertake Basic Driver training by becoming full members but pay only the annual membership fee component (not the joining fee) and may revert to family membership after 12 months. Details of all membership entitlements are provided at Section 3 (1) of the club by-laws.

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