Explore Nerriga and surrounds
Activity Description:
A weekend trip, with free camping in the grounds of Nerriga Hotel. The camping area has been pre-booked. This trip will be suitable for families and those looking for a relaxed drive through some interesting locations. Camper trailers are welcome and for those who wish, a cooked breakfast can be purchased from the hotel on Sunday morning. Toilets will be available, however no showers. There will be a quarterly meeting of the NSW & ACT 4WD Association being held at Nerriga on the Saturday afternoon and members, who may wish to attend, are more than welcome. It is also planned that there will be short trips to places of interest in the surrounding area, particularly for those not involved with the meeting. Members who may wish to join in for part of the trip are welcome to do so; however they should make arrangements directly with the trip leader. New members who have not completed their driver training are welcome .
AT id:
Washup Report:
All done attended by MP, AJ and DW
Created by:
Alan Jones
Activity Status : Approved
Activity Type : Trip
Activity Grade : Grade 2
Date From : 15/08/2015
Date to : 16/08/2015
Max Vehicles : -1
Start Time : 8:08 am