Basic Winching and Recovery Course
This course is designed to assist in understanding your winch and how to use it. This practical hands-on course is designed for club members to set up and use their winch and all their recovery gear in a real but safe and supervised environment. Many club members have winches but how many have used them for real? Requirements include – Completed Basic Driver Training, a club member for over 12 months, vehicle with electric winch that is in full working order, full recovery kit and any other equipment you would like to have inspected or trial (must have rated winch extension strap, quality pulley/snatch block, tree trunk protector, bow shackles, strap dampener, gloves). Practical exercises include layout and examination of all recovery gear, marking of winch cable, set up and use of a single line pull, double line pull and redirect, correct use of hand signals, and re-stowing the cable onto the drum. The course includes students recovering their vehicles, working in pairs, using their own gear and a variety of techniques, and driver trainers overseeing and advising. Safety is strictly maintained. Members wishing to do this course are required to have been a member of the Club for at least 12 months. *Note 1: Course nomination is essential however observers who want to learn the techniques are more than welcome however will not be involved in the live exercises. *Note 2: Training Course is intended to run on the Sunday morning at Talooge but, due to access restrictions to the property, course participants will be required to remain on the property for the weekend.
Activity Status : Approved
Activity Type : Training
Activity Grade : Grade 3
Date From : 17/10/2025
Date to : 19/10/2025
Max Vehicles : 12
Start Time : 6:15 pm
Assembly Location : Cherry Tree Creek, Jerangle Road, Bredbo NSW