Backyard Explorer
Activity Description:
This trip is now full. Thank you for everyone’s interest. We’re not going far out of Canberra, but don’t bring the town car because low range will be required! The emphasis is on scenery, some of which you may not have seen from the ground before. Just behind Cotter is some wonderful tracks that provide spectacular views back towards Canberra, Cotter Dam and beyond. We’ll spend the morning exploring this area. The afternoon will be to check out the views from Mt Coree and Pig Hill Summit – both spectacular in its own way. And the tracks in between will be interesting too. Best value scenic outing short of having BB charter a chopper for you!
AT id:
Washup Report:
Created by:
Alex Szabo
Activity Status : Approved
Activity Type : Trip
Activity Grade : Grade 3
Date From : 24/01/2016
Date to : 12/06/2019
Max Vehicles : 10
Start Time : 9:00 am