4 Wheel Drive Spectacular Outdoor Recreation Show
Activity Description:
This nationally renowned event is run bi-annually by 3 ACT four wheel drive clubs. The Land Rover Club, ACT Four Wheel Drive Club & Southern Tablelands. It has accommodation for over 150 commercial exhibitors and a Test Track to demonstrate new 4WD’s. The aim of the show is to: 1.To promote responsible use of 4WD vehicles, demonstrate the benefits of being a member of a recognized 4WD club, and raise community awareness of the Clubs. 2.To provide an opportunity for members of the Clubs to interact with and develop relationships with members of other like-minded organizations. 3.Be at nil cost to the Clubs and return an acceptable profit. 4.To provide an opportunity for commercial exhibitors to display, demonstrate and sell their products related to 4WD vehicles and outdoor recreation. 5.To provide a donation to a charity or charities that are involved in supporting 4WDriving or related activities. It is only a success if as many members as possible volunteer to assist in any of the following activities. • Gate attendants • Car parking attendants • Catering assistants • Garbage collection assistants • Club tent ambassadors If you wish to volunteer for any of these activities please nominate on the web site and we will be in contact as we get closer to the event
AT id:
Washup Report:
Created by:
Michael Patrick
Activity Status : Approved
Activity Type : Talooge Muster
Activity Grade : Not Required
Date From : 30/01/2016
Date to : 31/01/2016
Max Vehicles : -1
Start Time : 8:00 am