Tickets on sale for our annual raffle
Buy now!
Drawn at 11th Feb meeting.
Total prize pool $2,963

Monthly Meetings

The club's monthly meeting are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the Deakin Football Club. The club's AGM is held during the October meeting.

Guest Speakers

Feb - TBA
March - Battery World
April - American Builds



Camperact (formerly Independent Trailers) is the regional representative and dealer for Australian campers from; Track Trailer, Altitude Campers, Trayon Campers, Bolwell RV, BackTrax Sports Utility Rooftents and Stockman (Sydney) Pod Trailers.

Their principals, Catherine and Peter, are also long-time members of this club, and are totally familiar with the sort of country you are likely to want to visit. They can provide you with expert advice on camper trailers, vehicle preparation and towing technique.

Camperact operates from both Canberra & Narellan with an excellent showroom in Narellan.
Given then a call on 0406 379 913 Visit their showroom at 1/9 Maxwell Place Narellan NSW or go to


The club provides two levels of membership

full member           family member

To be a Full Member you must own a suitable four wheel drive vehicle and hold a driver's licence. Basic Driver Training is provided only to the Full Members. Partners and family members of the Full Member are categorised as Family Members and may undertake Basic Driver training by becoming full members but pay only the annual membership fee component (not the joining fee) and may revert to family membership after 12 months. Details of all membership entitlements are provided at Section 3 (1) of the club by-laws.

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